How can I download audio from Google’s sample text-to-speech?

Solution 1:

If you're going to do a lot of this, you should really use the API that they offer, but here's a quick step by step if you just want to download a single sample of Google's speech synthesis.

  1. Go to the page in Google Chrome.
  2. Open the Developer Tools (by pushing F12)
  3. Go to the "Network" tab.
  4. Enter the text you want to get audio of.
  5. Click the "SPEAK IT" button.
  6. Watch the "Network" tab populate with a couple of entries.
  7. Right-click the entry that starts with data:audio/wav;base64, and click "Open in new tab".
  8. In the new tab, right-click the audio player, and click "Save video as..."
  9. Choose where you want to save the resulting .wav file.

Note: This will get you a (marginally) cleaner copy of the audio than recording the Stereo Mix from your sound card.

Solution 2:

Edit: @3D1T0R 's answer is simpler and will most likely result in a higher quality file.

I would just use an audio recording program, such as Audacity, to record the "Stereo Mix" of your computer. You haven't specified an OS but assuming Windows:

  • First go to the Sound applet in the Control Panel, go to the Recording tab, right-click Stereo Mix and select Enable. (If you don't see Stereo Mix, check Show disabled devices) enter image description here

  • Then download/open Audacity, and in the Recording Device dropdown box, select Stereo Mix. Then just hit Record, and anything you hear playing out of your speakers will be recorded to a sound file.

enter image description here