Display unread and amount of mails in Outlook

I could only find that you can show unread or read mails, but is it possible to show the amount of mails in a folder, ie 7/10, meaning 7 unread and 10 mails all together in that folder. Thank you.

but is it possible to show the amount of mails in a folder, ie 7/10, meaning 7 unread and 10 mails all together in that folder.

Yes, you can do this. In Outlook (2016 /365) the total number of emails in a folder, together with the number of unread emails in the same folder shows in a status line, bottom left of Outlook, under the Email, People and Calendar icons.

The statistics show for each folder, that is, for all folders in Outlook. You can also customize this statistic if you wish by right clicking on it. You can show other statistics as well as read / unread.

Here are two screen shots showing the possibilities.

Outlook unread status


Outlook statistics customization