Multiple users via RDP [duplicate]

Here is my example scenario:

I have a WIN 7 Pro computer with 3 different accounts:

  • John
  • Jack
  • James

This computer sits on a desk on its own and users RDP onto the machine.

James is already RDP'd on to the machine on his own profile John wants to RDP onto the machine and login with his profile

John wants to use MS Paint and draw something James is already RDP'd on and is using Excel.

Is it possible for John to RDP on to the same machine and do whatever tasks he needs whilst James is currently on the machine too?

I'm aware this will involve some dll hacking however is the above possible?

Can what I am asking to be achieved using the machine to run 3 virtual machines, then RDP on to the individual Virtual Machines?

Is it possible for John to RDP on to the same machine and do whatever tasks he needs whilst James is currently on the machine too.

For a supported Windows 7 setup, no, this is not possible. Non-server versions of Windows are limited to one active user at a time, as stated in How to Enable Concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions in Windows.

Unlike server editions of Windows, Microsoft limits the client editions of Windows to one concurrent user, whether remote or local. So if a remote desktop connection is made, no one physically at the PC can use it or even see the desktop without first kicking off the remote user.

The workaround offered at the linked page involves replacing a core Windows component with one published by an anonymous developer, which I would absolutely advice against as you have no idea what other changes might have been made, including the potential for malware being injected into the binary, as well as that any system update could potentially break the setup. You would also highly likely be in violation of the Windows license terms.

If you don't want to run a server version of Windows, you could potentially get a similar result by virtualizing several copies of Windows on top of a sufficiently powerful computer and giving each user access to their own instance. This will have the additional benefit (in some use cases, at least) of isolating the activities of each user from that of the others.