New posts in audio-conversion

Increase mean volume of a video/audio file

What is the ffmpeg command to convert 3gp to ulaw?

FFmpeg `Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream`

Converting wma to mp3 in bulk without changing directory

VLC media player select audio track for conversion

Why Is Conversion From An MP3 To WAV (PCM) Lossless?

What's a good way of batch converting tracker files?

Convert YouTube DASH audio (youtube-dl) to m4a (AAC DL)

ffmpeg with blackhole audio "crackling" noises, why?

Which audio encoders in FFmpeg support 8 kHz?

How to convert WAV to MP3 without adding silence at the beginning

Turning a 5.1 .mkv into 2.0 or 2.1

How to convert a certain program's audio output to mic input

How to convert MP3 to YouTube-allowed video format?

ffmpeg stereo channels into two mono channels

How do I change the bit depth in FFmpeg?

Splitting an audio file into chunks of a specified length

How can I convert FLAC to other formats in OS X?

ffmpeg - How to copy|extract encoding settings from existing media file?

Convert mp3 to wav using FFmpeg for VBR