New posts in assembly

How to write hello world in assembler under Windows?

How does $ work in NASM, exactly?

Using GCC to produce readable assembly?

glibc scanf Segmentation faults when called from a function that doesn't align RSP

How can I indicate that the memory *pointed* to by an inline ASM argument may be used?

Why does the x86-64 / AMD64 System V ABI mandate a 16 byte stack alignment?

How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?

What are callee and caller saved registers?

Using LEA on values that aren't addresses / pointers?

What is the difference between 'asm', '__asm' and '__asm__'?

What registers are preserved through a linux x86-64 function call

How do you get assembler output from C/C++ source in gcc?

How to load address of function or label into register

When is assembly faster than C? [closed]

Why does Windows64 use a different calling convention from all other OSes on x86-64?

INC instruction vs ADD 1: Does it matter?

NASM Assembly convert input to integer?

What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?

Where is the x86-64 System V ABI documented?

Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy