New posts in assassins-creed-revelations

If I hit 100% in city control, will it stay there or do I need to keep sending my assassins on missions?

Are there any unlockables in Assassin's Creed Revelations from playing the prior games?

Where can I find a tax collector to kill for Tax Evasion?

What's the difference between diamond difficulty and star difficulty?

Is there any reward for getting all the animus fragments in Assassin's Creed Revelations?

Is there a map for the Assassin's Hideout?

ACR: How to get rid of the "ugh" sounds when jumping?

If I quit during a mission, will I resume at the last checkpoint or before I started?

Won't Xbox Marketplace let me choose my own language?

How can I run away while engaged in a sword fight?

Where and when can I craft bombs?

Is the "Sage" (get all books) achievement broken in AC:R?

What are the last 2 gates for on Animus Island?

How do I disarm enemies in Assassins Creed Revelations?

What is "Thief Looting?"

What's the fastest way to rile up an angry, murderous mob to poison for Mosh Pit?

How do I get 5 haystack kills?

What's the point of assassins taking over a city?

Can I give up on a den that's being attacked by Templars?

What ports need to be opened to play multiplayer reliably?