New posts in assassins-creed-revelations

Is it possible to get a map for all treasure chests?

Can I withdraw an assassin from a city?

Where did the apple that Altair hides in the library come from?

How do I do the "Hook and Throw" maneuver?

What are the glasses that came with this game for?

I just kicked some stalker butt - how'd I do it?

Why does the Templar awareness meter background stay red?

What is the maximum level for assassins?

Does a Master Assassin sent out on a Mediterranean defense mission leave their den vulnerable to Templar attack?

Passage of time in Assassin's Creed: Revelations

What causes Templars to try to knock down the ziplines?

How do I climb the Galata tower in 60 seconds?

Where are the "rebellious citizens" in Assassin's Creed: Revelations?

Can I get into cappadocia after completing the ACR story?

Where can I find the Templar Dens in Constantinople?

Where is Altair's Sword?

What are the effects of the different types of bombs?

What is templar control?

When does the first recruit come back?

Why is the first assassin in the city not available for missions?