New posts in assassins-creed-revelations

What to do against the sniping guards in protected shelters?

How do I raise the Assassin's influence in cities over 50%?

Why aren't there any officials for me to kill or heralds for me to bribe?

Why can't I assign any more assassins to my Dens?

How can I lower my "Templar Awareness" quicker?

Can I murder my friends to death with poison?

How do I get the memory fragment on Galata Tower?

Are there any tricks to help me find all the Animus Data Fragments?

What's the best way to stop Greek Fire?

How do I save all the citizens in the first Masyaf key mission?

How to defend all my Assassin Dens against the Templar?

What's the murder-to-renovation ratio?

Does completing the Desmond memories have any effect on the Ezio campaign?

How many cubes are in each Desmond sequence?

How to exit a memory in Assassin's Creed: Revelations?

How many Master Assassins can I train?

Does interacting with highlighted objects in Masyaf accomplish anything?

Where is the golden horn?

What is the assassin's creed?

Is there a benefit to buying landmarks?