Won't Xbox Marketplace let me choose my own language?

Alas, the answer of my question lies in this conversation with Xbox Customer Service:

Kesha: Thanks for waiting, Tomas. Do you have any issue with purchasing content in English?
Tomas: I would prefer to have everything in English
Tomas: Including my Xbox Live profile, Xbox Marketplace labels, all my games etc
Tomas: I don't like Norwegian
Kesha: Ok, I understand. One moment, let me research to see if there is Assassin's Creed Revelations in English.
Kesha: Thanks you so much for waiting. Tomas, I was able to find that Assassin Creed Revelations for you region does not have an English version.
Tomas: In other words, Microsoft is forcing me to play the terrible Norwegian translated version of Assassins Creed?
Tomas: That can't possibly be good enough
Tomas: Can you change my region?
Kesha: I totally understand, as of right now changing location has been disabled.

To summarize, Xbox doesn't let you choose the language of the games you purchase. It sets the language to what ever the main language of the location in which you purchased your Xbox is. I shudder to think of the poor souls who bought their Xbox on vacation to an exotic country.