Is my Spirit (or any other ability resource) rounded up/down?

Solution 1:

The decimal point is hidden, but the value is still there.

I tested with a monk with Guardian's Path, a 2-Hand Staff and no resource regen equips. I used up all my spirit.


Then I hit something.

7 spirit

Then I hit something again.

15 spirit

I continued this experiment through 150 and the results were: 7. 15. 22. 30. 37, 45, 52, 60, 67, 75, 82, 90, 97, 105, 112, 120, 127, 135, 142, 149, 150.

So there's your answer.

Solution 2:

I'm betting that the decimal point is hidden until you form a whole number. First attack gives you 7, second attack gives you 8, even though both technically give you 7.5. I can test this when I get home if you like.

Should be as simple as draining a little spirit, mousing over the globe to get an initial number, do 1 attack and record the number, do another attack and record it again.

Try this several times to make sure the result is consistent, and you should have your answer.

EDIT: Tested this at home and arrived at the same conclusion above. It alternates 7-8-7-8-7-8

Solution 3:

Some pretty simple testing will show you that your attacks alternate between generating 7 spirit and 8 spirit. But this doesn't make it clear whether the decimal point is tracked but not shown, or if the attacks simply alternate generating whole numbers worth of spirit.

Here's my test to confirm:

Let's start by assuming that attacks alternate between generating exactly 7 and then exactly 8 spirit.

  1. Ensure that I am at 0 spirit (not 0.5) by letting it cap out at 150 with Chant of Resonance, then unequipping that passive and casting Sweeping Wind twice.
  2. Carefully make 21 attacks without spending any spirit. 20 attacks gets me to 150 with the last attack generating 8 spirit, so the 21st attack should be one that generates 7.
  3. Spend all of my spirit by casting Sweeping Wind twice again.
  4. Make one more attack. By our assumption, this should generate 8 spirit. But it gave me 7.

Conclusion: We have reached a contradiction, so our assumption is wrong. The alternative is that the decimal point is tracked but not displayed, and always rounds down.

Also, to test your second question about being .5 spirit short of using an ability:

  1. Repeat step 1 above to get to 0 spirit.
  2. Unequip The Guardian's Path to go back to generating 6 spirit.
  3. Smack 2 zombies to get to 12 spirit.
  4. Reequip The Guardian's Path.
  5. Smack another zombie to reach 19.5 spirit.
  6. Use Blinding Flash. My spirit should now be 9.5.
  7. Try to use Blinding Flash again, but I can't.

Conclusion: The availability of your abilities depends on amount of spirit shown, regardless of the decimal point behind the scenes.