Is there a map for the Assassin's Hideout?

I don't see how anyone should really need it, but since you asked I drew a sketch. There are some places in the hideout where you can interact with only once (after reaching a certain point in the game), I don't recall where all these locations are exactly but they are of little/no importance so I've left them out.

Not to exact scale but close enough for illustrative purposes showing all the different interactive items in the hideout:

the assassin's hideout

There is no in-game map, but I mapped it out for myself. It is obviously not to scale, but you can at least figure out where things are:

|               |   Tunnel   |
|    Armor      |  Entrance  |
`----  ------  -'-----  -----|--------- .
|         | 1                |  Books   |
|         |                  |   and    |
| Weapons                       Masyaf  |
|         |                  |  Table   |
|         | 2                |----------'
`---------'-----------.  .---'
                      |  |
.----------.          |  |
| Bomb     |----------|  |
| Crafting               | 
| Table    |----------|  |
`----------'          |  |
                      |  |
                      |  |

1 - Mediterranean Defense table
2 - Assassins Guild faction board