New posts in android

Sending and receiving files on socket

How Do We Generate a Base64-Encoded SHA256 Hash of SubjectPublicKeyInfo of an X.509 Certificate, for Android N Certificate Pinning?

How should I forward Intent parameters through chains of Activities?

Android studio 3.0 does not generate signed apk

cannot find symbol BR in android data binding

Android Emulator Tips and Tricks [closed]

Current location is not showing in my android app

Android Resource - Array of Arrays

Is it possible to load a drawable from the assets folder?

In libgdx, how do I get input from the back button?

How do you put a border around a ListView?

making the edge of the scrollview fade when scrolling in android

Android configuration file

Gradle DSL method not found: 'apt()'

Trying to remove fragment from view gives me NullPointerException on mNextAnim

Can't Override onPostExecute() method in AsyncTask Class or get it to trigger

How to make SearchView always expanded in android?

Could not find method create() for arguments - Crashlytics issue

Java synchronized method

Google places autocomplete api - REQUEST_DENIED