Could not find method create() for arguments - Crashlytics issue

Solution 1:

Update: Check Mike's answer first!

Old answer:

It looks like Fabric released a new version thats breaks the build for some apps.

If you have the line (which is recommended by Fabric, but not ideal) you will automatically use the new version.

In the meantime you can replace 1.+ with the latest "stable" version which is 1.25.4.

Solution 2:

Mike from Fabric here. If you're using version 3.2 of the Android Studio Gradle plugin, upgrading to 4.10 of Gradle and 1.26.0 of the Fabric Gradle plugin will address this issue.

If you use a version of AS Gradle less then 3.2, you won't encounter the issue, but also won't be getting the benefits of the latest release. You will hit this issue if you've updated to 3.2 of AS Gradle and 1.26.0 of Fabric's Gradle plugin, but are using a version of Gradle lower than 4.10 of Gradle.

Solution 3:

when you update with android studio 3.2 and using fabric gradle version 1.+ then you have to change fabric gradle version 1.+ to 1.25.4 in biuld.gradle(project) file

buildscript {
repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    //classpath ''     // old version
    classpath ''   // new version

Note: Although the fabric gradle latest version is 1.26.0 but it's not stable version.stable version is 1.25.4. its work fine.

Solution 4:


classpath ''


classpath ''

Version 1.26.0 was the problem

Solution 5:

You only need to update Gradle version (in for ex:
