New posts in sockets

How to run a routine continuously until input is entered in command line? - Python

How slow are TCP sockets compared to named pipes on Windows for localhost IPC?

What is the difference between Socket and ServerSocket?

Catch "socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused" exception

What is "backlog" in TCP connections?

Asynchronous server socket multiple clients

UDP Client/Server Socket in Python

Is TCP bidirectional or full-duplex?

CPU and motherboard compatibility

Cross-platform sockets

Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe

Send text through Bluetooth from Java Server to Android Client

Memory leak when emitting messages with Socket.IO + Node.js + ZMQ

.NET sockets vs C++ sockets at high performance

How to abort socket's BeginReceive()?

What does it mean to bind() a socket to any address other than localhost?

Is there a way to flush a POSIX socket?

Sending and receiving files on socket

Understanding set/getsockopt SO_SNDBUF size doubles

Socket Programming Python: How to make sure entire message is received?