New posts in dispose

What's the point of overriding Dispose(bool disposing) in .NET?

How to abort socket's BeginReceive()?

Why it hangs, rather than throw when SemaphoreSlim is disposed while there's a thread waiting on it [duplicate]

Avoid calling Invoke when the control is disposed

using statement FileStream and / or StreamReader - Visual Studio 2012 Warnings

Do I need to dispose of a Task?

Should I always disconnect event handlers in the Dispose method?

What is IDisposable for?

C# Do I use dispose() correctly?

Declare IDisposable for the class or interface?

How do I add Dispose functionality to a C# UserControl?

Does SqlCommand.Dispose close the connection?

How to dispose a class in .net?

Clear controls does not dispose them - what is the risk?

Why call dispose(false) in the destructor?

Is there a situation in which Dispose won't be called for a 'using' block?

How do I extend a WinForm's Dispose method?

Do I need to consider disposing of any IEnumerable<T> I use?

Is SqlCommand.Dispose() required if associated SqlConnection will be disposed?

Does garbage collector call Dispose()? [duplicate]