New posts in sqlcommand

Replacing a DataReader with a DataTable

Check if record in a table exist in a database through ExecuteNonQuery

C# SQL insert command

ReadOnlyException DataTable DataRow "Column X is read only."

Check if a record exists in the database

How to clear MySQL screen console in Windows?

Does SqlCommand.Dispose close the connection?

'Must Declare the Scalar Variable' Error When Passing a Table-Valued Parameter to a Parameterized SQL Statement

c# Local Database insert into doesn't work

SqlCommand with using statement

Is SqlCommand.Dispose() required if associated SqlConnection will be disposed?

How to run multiple SQL commands in a single SQL connection?

Insert into C# with SQLCommand

What is the difference between SqlCommand.CommandTimeout and SqlConnection.ConnectionTimeout?

MySqlCommand Command.Parameters.Add is obsolete

What's the best method to pass parameters to SQLCommand?

Is it safe to not parameterize an SQL query when the parameter is not a string?

Do I have to Close() a SQLConnection before it gets disposed?

Under what circumstances is an SqlConnection automatically enlisted in an ambient TransactionScope Transaction?

How to export and import a .sql file from command line with options? [duplicate]