How to export and import a .sql file from command line with options? [duplicate]
Type the following command to import sql data file:
$ mysql -u username -p -h localhost DATA-BASE-NAME < data.sql
In this example, import 'data.sql' file into 'blog' database using vivek as username:
$ mysql -u vivek -p -h localhost blog < data.sql
If you have a dedicated database server, replace localhost hostname with with actual server name or IP address as follows:
$ mysql -u username -p -h databasename < data.sql
To export a database, use the following:
mysqldump -u username -p databasename > filename.sql
Note the <
and >
symbols in each case.
If you're already running the SQL shell, you can use the source
command to import data:
use databasename;
source data.sql;
mysqldump will not dump database events, triggers and routines unless explicitly stated when dumping individual databases;
mysqldump -uuser -p db_name --events --triggers --routines > db_name.sql
Well you can use below command to export,
mysqldump --databases --user=root --password your_db_name > export_into_db.sql
and the generated file will be available in the same directory where you had ran this command.
Now login to mysql using command,
mysql -u[username] -p
then use "source" command with the file path.
Dump an entire database to a file:
mysqldump -u USERNAME -p password DATABASENAME > FILENAME.sql