Android Emulator Tips and Tricks [closed]

What is your Emulator feature that you could not work without?

Which unknown great shortcut, console command or startup option is there that you discovered and you think has to be also known by all other Android devs?

Share your Emulator wisdom with us.

Not exactly an emulator feature but related.

When using Eclipse for Android development, the debug certificate that is automatically created only lasts 1 year. When it expires, it's a pain to have to delete all your development .apk files, because the new certificate doesn't match so you can't upgrade them in all your AVDs. You have to get another development MAP-API key as well. The published recommendation is to simply delete the debug.keystore file and Eclipse (ADT really) will create a new one for you, again with a 1 year expiration. But you can create your own debug certificate in debug.keystore with whatever expiration you want. Do this in the .android folder under your HOME directory:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android -keyalg RSA -validity 14000

ADT sets the first and last name on the certificate as "Android Debug", the organizational unit as "Android" and the two-letter country code as "US". You can leave the organization, city, and state values as "Unknown".

You can enable/disable the Emulator Network with: F8

Great for testing service interruptions while your app is connected to some web based service. It allows very fast disabling just at the moment a download or a webservice started.

You can rotate it: Ctrl + F11.

You can try your hands on a bunch of tricks using keyboard key and taken from the Android official documentation. See the below image.

Emulator tricks and tips

F6 - start track ball emulation

When working with high resolution screen, one can reduce the size of the emulator to make it fit better on PC screen: AVD Manager - Start - check "Scale display to real size" and set Screen size to a suitable value (6 works for me)