New posts in android-layout

ViewPager setCurrentItem(pageId, true) does NOT smoothscroll

Android layouts for different screen sizes

Different row layouts in ListView

margin inside the edit text in android

How to add views dynamically to a RelativeLayout already declared in the xml layout?

How can I fix the Spinner style for Android 4.x placed on top of the Toolbar

Android - How to programmatically set the button style in a Linearlayout?

How do I create a header or footer button bar for my Android application

How to limit EditText length to 7 integers and 2 decimal places?

Can't resize a RelativeLayout inside a ScrollView to fill the whole screen

Collapsing margins in Android layouts

how to align text vertically center in android

How to fit Image into ImageView using Glide

Android: 2 relative layout divided in half screen

Android - How to change bottom navigation bar text's font family

Android - multi-line linear layout

Is it possible to make a ListView populate from the bottom?

showAsAction="ifRoom" doesn't show the item even when there is plenty of room

custom dialog with close button

TextWatcher events are being fired multiple times