New posts in android-layout

ImageView fills parent's width OR height, but maintains aspect ratio

ViewPager preview layout in Android Studio

Programmatically Translate View Pre-Honeycomb

Badge on BottomNavigationView

Android - Use of view.setX() and setY in api 8

Elevation not working on a LinearLayout

Find view by name

Android spinner Data Binding using XML and show the selected values

Why RecyclerView.notifyItemChanged() will create a new ViewHolder and use both the old ViewHolder and new one?

"LayoutManager is already attached to a RecyclerView" error

How to get the attr reference in code?

How to do the new PlayStore parallax effect

How to avoid overlap view in relative layout in android?

How can I make an animated/constant glowing effect around button in android?

The project target (Android L (Preview)) was not properly loaded

Change border color when edittext is focused

why marginBottom not working?

difference between @id and @android:id

What is tools:mockup, tools:mockup_crop and tools:mockup_opacity

SplashScreen with Vector stretched full screen