New posts in ambiguity

What does "controversial" mean here? [closed]

Can you clarify usage of "all but..."? [duplicate]

Meaning and etymology of "down with"

"Principle" or "Principal"?

She was carrying twins and a bulky bag in her hands [duplicate]

Disambiguation of a sentence

"May not" -- no choice vs. mere restriction

Ambiguous syntax tree and phrase structure rules

Using the word "difference" in the meaning "result of subtraction" taking into account the negative values

Difference between "lift" and "lift off" in Feynman Lectures

How I avoid ambiguity in the use of "and"? [duplicate]

Is a dark polka dot necktie dark?

If I say that someone was mean to me, does that imply that they were conscious of it?

"This page intentionally blank" ... but it isn't!

Ambiguous ownership when discussing multiple character body parts

"For he that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day": wisdom or mockery?

Usage of "Do not mistake this for that" [closed]

Name of this lyrical device comparing oneself to something that's described by the same word, but in another sense of the word?

Ambiguity in prepositional phrases

Quintessential vs essential?