"This page intentionally blank" ... but it isn't!
We are all familiar with user manuals or documents with pages printed with "intentionally blank" ... but with those words on them, they are no longer blank!
I'm pretty sure I saw a user manual once with pages like this:
We were going to say this page is intentionally blank, but once we did, we realized it isn't blank any more.
Would there be a better way of expressing this concept? Such as "intentionally conveys no useful information"? (Except, now it does - it conveys that it has no useful information)
My proposition: "The rest of this page is intentionally left blank."
The phrase would be put right if it excluded itself from the message.
Therefore, I suggest:
This page intentionally left otherwise blank
How about on the previous page of the one to be left 'BLANK', write, The following page has been intentionally left blank.