New posts in alphabet

Pronunciation of the letter 'W' [closed]

Quickest way to enumerate the alphabet

Why is letter E the most common used letter?

Why is the letter "w" the only letter in (basic) English alphabet that is not read as one syllable? [duplicate]

A perfect (honest) pangram that is understandable for a regular native user?

Does one consider "vs." or "versus" when alphabetizing?

Why is the letter "w" not pronounced "double v"?

When did '&' stop being taught alongside the alphabet? [duplicate]

Does any English dialect use any non-English foreign letters in their alphabet?

Letter shaping/orientation/positioning of {M, F} vs {W, M} (signifying/denoting gender in forms/data tabulations/presentations] [closed]

Generating an array of letters in the alphabet

Anglicization of diacritical marks and non-English letters

Is a letter considered to be in alphabetical order with itself? [closed]

What is the origin of the different pronunciations of C and G before different vowels?

Why don't ligatures have names?

Difference between Letter and Alphabet in English [closed]

How do I iterate through the alphabet?

What are the conventional words for characters (A-Z)?

Why did Old English use C while other Germanic languages used K?

& as a letter in the alphabet?