A perfect (honest) pangram that is understandable for a regular native user?

Pangrams were pure wordplays, that because of IT has become a nice tool to test keyboard and fonts, assuming they are easy to remember and short. Therefore perfect pangrams are so nice: you don't need to repeat any character (with the exception of the space).

I've looked on the list of pangrams and I've noticed that most of them are either not perfect or are heavily using acronyms, initials, own names etc. (which I call not "honest", because it's a bit cheating).

Those "honest" looked like a gibberish for me:

Jink cwm, zag veldt, fob qursh pyx

However, those are real English words, only I doubt a bit, a regular native speaker would understand them. So 2 questions arise:

1) Are such pangrams as above understandable for a regular English native speaker?

2) If not, are there any others that would be perfect, honest (no acronyms, exotic own names etc.) and written with commonly known words?

Just to give some context, the Polish perfect pangram

Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag.

would be understood by any native speaker, and it makes perfectly sense (be brave, protect your regiment and six flags). It's a poetry masterpiece, you can say.

Solution 1:

A Google search turned up a number of candidates.

With 28 letters, there are a few which can be made:

Waltz job vexed quick frog nymphs (courtesy of Ronan)
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow
Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox
Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud

There's at least one 27-letter pangram, which makes sense but is probably better thought of as a headline:

Bawds jog, flick quartz, vex nymph

And if you allow standard abbreviations, you can do 26:

Mr Jock, TV Quiz PhD, bags few lynx

I vote Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow as the best (28 characters; repeats a and o).

Update: The perfect pangram Quartz glyph job vex'd cwm finks — another headline — appears in a number of internet pages, too, along with O.A. Booty's explanation, "Despicable vandals from the valley are thwarted by finding a block of quartz with carvings already on it." But I don't know if the Welsh word cwm is understandable to a regular native user.

As Frances has commented, English has only five vowels (and y). Any word with q automatically uses u and another vowel, unless Arabic words (suq) or Chinese words (Qi) are allowed. In the last example, using the Welsh word cwm introduces another vowel which makes more words possible.

Solution 2:

Steve Galen, on his blog suggest the following perfect pangram:

GQ's oft-lucky whiz Dr. J, ex-NBA MVP

What makes it so interesting is that it describes a real situation.

  • Dr. J. is the nickname of professional basketball player Julius Erving, who is retired from the NBA (ex-NBA)
  • Erving has won the MVP award 4 times
  • He appeared on the cover of GQ magazine in February, 2011:

GQ cover

Solution 3:

My favorite Perfect Pangram (26 letter ) is "Fox TV Janglers whiz by muck PDQ". I can't remember where I heard it, though. As a lover of hairless cats, one of my favorite "nearly perfect" pamgrams is "Jackdaws love my big Sphynx of quartz".

Solution 4:

While it's not short, characterwise, this is the only five-word pangram I know of, making it snappy and easy to remember: “Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes