New posts in algebraic-topology

Thom–Gysin long exact sequence

Universal property of the homotopy limit/colimit.

Euler characteristic: dependence on coefficients

A comparison between the fundamental groupoid and the fundamental group

Euler characteristic, genus and cohomology: a deep connection?

Proof that two spaces that are homotopic have the same de Rham cohomology

Why are knot invariants best organized as polynomials?

Homotopy equivalence of a space with the sphere

Why does an orientable surface of genus >1 always have an irregular 3-fold cover?

"Proper" definition of a proper map?

Characteristic map of a n-cell in a CW complex

Homological algebra using nonabelian groups

Proof that retract of contractible space is contractible

Is the classifying space a fully faithful functor?

Applications or uses of the Serre-Swan theorem

Cross product of cohomology classes: intuition

Universal cover of Möbius band glued to a torus $S^1\times S^1$

Local homeomorphisms which are not covering map?

Conjugacy classes in the fundamental group

What categorical limits and colimits does $\pi_1$ preserve?