New posts in algebraic-geometry

The Picard Group of the Affine line with double origin

Stalk of structure sheaf on fiber product of schemes

Intersection of all maximal ideals containing a given ideal

Can this quick way of showing that $K[X,Y]/(Y-X^2)\cong K[X]$ be turned into a valid argument?

Introduction to sheaves using categorical approach

For local ring $R$, does funcotor $\operatorname{Hom( Spec}R, X)$ characterize scheme $X$?

Dominant rational maps

What is the zero subscheme of a section

An open subset of an irreducible set is dense.

An example of a scheme in the language of schemes

Is a divisor in the hyperplane class necessarily a hyperplane divisor?

Why did Serre choose coherent sheaves?

Topics in Differential geometry $\cap$ Algebraic geometry

Examples of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules that are not quasi-coherent sheaves

Is the axiom of choice necessary to prove that closed points in the Zariski topology are maximal ideals?

Applications of Belyi's theorem

Comparison of saturated ideals and radical ideals

Irreducible closed subsets of a scheme corresponds to points

Is simply connectedness preserved after deleting a high codimension set

A mistake in Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper? Theorem 5.2.1