New posts in aggregation-framework

Group count with MongoDB using aggregation framework

MongoDB: create dynamic view from expanding set of collections

Geospatial $near within current document field value

Find using _id not working with aggregation [duplicate]

MongoDB: find and findOne with nested array filtering

Generating a Structure for Aggregation

Call function inside mongodb's aggregate?

Mongodb aggregation pipeline how to limit a group push

mongodb aggregation framework match by nested documents

$unwind an object in aggregation framework

multiple grouping of documents with nested array in mongodb

Mongodb Aggregation Framework | Group over multiple values?

Is it possible to round a number with Spring data MongoDB aggregations?

Sum in nested document MongoDB

Mongodb Join on _id field from String to ObjectId

MongoDB Aggregate combine two lookups?

Get n-th element of an array in MongoDB

Is it possible to rename _id field after mongo's group aggregation?

How to deal with the timezone issue when storing dates in utc using mongod?

How to merge output from unwind mongodb?