New posts in aggregation-framework

MongoDB lookup when foreign field is an array of objects

Is Mongodb Aggregation framework faster than map/reduce?

Mongo Group By query

Using stored JavaScript functions in the Aggregation pipeline, MapReduce or runCommand

How do I rename fields when performing search/projection in MongoDB?

Convert date from milliseconds to ISODate object

Performing case-statement in mongodb aggregation framework

Multiple conditions inside match MongoDB

Mongo db aggregation multiple conditions

Aggregation between a MongoDB collection and an external array

How to flatten a subdocument into root level in MongoDB?

MongoDB aggregation with $lookup only include (or project) some fields to return from query

Poor lookup aggregation performance

$skip and $limit in aggregation framework

Search on multiple collections in MongoDB

MongoDB nested lookup with 3 levels

MongoDB: how to parse date in 3.6 mongoDb version?

MongoDB: Calculate dwell time between every status value change

MongoDB aggregate within daily grouping [duplicate]

How to return just the nested documents of an array from all documents