Find using _id not working with aggregation [duplicate]

I'm beginner to mongodb and I'm trying to write a query using mongoose in node.js application:

const objectIdValue = secondId.valueOf();

  const existedRelation = await this.model.aggregate([
    { $match: { _id: firstId } },
    { $project: {
      relations: {
        $filter: {
          input: '$links',
          as: 'link',
          cond: {
            $and: [
              { $eq: ['$$', `${objectIdValue}`] },
              { $eq: ['$$link.linkTypeId', linkTypeId] },

  console.log('existedRelation: ', existedRelation);

When I execute it I got this result:

existedRelation:  []

I tried to execute it using mongoShell:

    { $match:{ _id: ObjectId("5bbf5800be37394f38a9727e") }},
  $project: {
                  input: '$links',
                  as: "link",
                  cond: {
                                  $and: [
                                  {$eq:["$$", '5bbf52eabe37394f38a97276']},
                                  {$eq: ["$$link.linkTypeId", ObjectId("5bbf4bfcb075e03bd4a1b779")]}


And I got the results that I want. What is the mistake that I made ?

Mongoose doesn't cast String to ObjectId in aggregate function. So you have to cast it manually using mongoose.

var mongoose = require('mongoose')

const existedRelation = await this.model.aggregate([
  { "$match": { "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId(firstId) } },
  { "$project": {
    "relations": {
      "$filter": {
        "input": "$links",
        "as": "link",
        "cond": {
          "$and": [
            { "$eq": ["$$", `${objectIdValue}`] },
            { "$eq": ["$$link.linkTypeId", linkTypeId] }