New posts in adverbs

Is it more correct to say "You have not yet <actioned>" or "You have not <actioned> yet"?

"leave immediately, sooner if possible"

Adverbs - do they still exist? [duplicate]

What is the basis for calling HOME a preposition? [duplicate]

Is there a comparative form of "well"?

"In toto" versus "in total"

Do adverbs only describe verbs?

What are the differences between "go to school happily", "go happily to school" and "happily go to school"?

Correct usage of "viz."?

Positioning of adverb phrases [duplicate]

"Sometimes also" or "also sometimes"?

Is it OK to use "empty-handed" on an animal?

Why are location words like "here" adverbs rather than adjectives?

"Imaginatively" as a synonym for "in imagination"

Collocation 'bolt upright'

Difference between 'eat soup hot' and 'eat hot soup'

Meaning of "excited much", "stalker much"

Is "like" used as an adjective by native speakers?

Quick or Quickly: “How to Install a PHP Extension: Quick and Easy” [duplicate]

verb + as close(ly?) as possible [duplicate]