Quick or Quickly: “How to Install a PHP Extension: Quick and Easy” [duplicate]

Let’s say I have this title:

How to Install a PHP Extension: Quick and Easy

Should I say quick and easy or quickly and easily?


The terms Quick and Easy modify Install. Technically, since install is a verb, they should be adverbs - Quickly and Easily.

However titles have a life of their own, and they often exist on a different planet than we prescriptivist grammarians. You get a lot of latitude.

Additionally, the adjectival forms have an implied noun to modify: installation. You are suggesting the installation will be quick and easy.

To be a purist, make them adverbs. Or you can leave it punchy.

Quick is what we call a flat adverb...Do it nice and easy, nice and slow, drive quick, stay safe...these are all grammatically correct.

I'd keep the title.