Applying/earning/validating leave

Solution 1:

The user is receiving a "leave credit" for attending the event. When they need to take time off, they're requesting leave. I'd use:

  1. Apply for Leave Credit
  2. Request Leave

I think most English speakers will understand this.

Solution 2:

For the first action I would use something like:

  • Apply for additional leave
  • Amend leave entitlement
  • Submit change request
  • Update available leave

And for the second, something like:

  • Submit leave application
  • Request leave
  • Book leave

Solution 3:

Apparently you are asking for suggestions for names of two actions or forms, on the one hand a granting or obtaining of credits toward future leave, and on the other application for specific leave dates.

Phrases for case 1:

  • Add to accrued leave
  • Record credit for future leave
  • Update accrued leave credits
  • Update leave credits
  • Submit leave credits

Phrases for case 2:

  • Approve leave dates
  • Approve leave schedule
  • Apply to take a leave
  • Apply for leave
  • Set leave dates