New posts in accessibility

Visual hints to better spot the currently active window?

AppleScript to turn on the Accessibility Keyboard in High Sierra

Tool to complete words while typing

Is it possible to mouse walk in Guild Wars 2?

Making the Mac more left hand friendly

Can Siri be used effectively by someone who stutters when they speak?

H1 in article page - site title or article title?

Why does iOS Speak Selection read "2020" as "2020 inches" in English (UK)?

Lock the mouse cursor to one screen in Linux / Ubuntu

How to get global screen coordinates of currently selected text via Accessibility APIs.

How to disable a Windows accessibility focus highlighting?

Enable trackpad via keyboard

how to have a clock indicator highly visible?

How to automatically close an OS X apps after not being used for a number of minutes?

How do I disable drag and drop in Google Chrome/Chromium?

How can I control my mac using only my keyboard? (e.g. macOS Catalina Voice Control with only the keyboard)

Can't tab between dialog options on Finder's Replace File dialog

Accessibility missing from the Privacy tab

In windows 7, how do I disable "Ease of Access" pop ups on the logon screen as I am typing my password?

Mouse Arrow moving Slowly Using keyboard Keys