Making the Mac more left hand friendly

Unfortunately, you can't change the location where Notification Center Alerts and Banners appear. This is a huge gripe of mine as well, and I highly encourage you to complain about this issue to Apple here:

I'm not sure whether this is really a left vs right-handed thing.
All English speakers read left to right, so have a tendency to put our work left-aligned.
I am right handed, but work left-aligned, the same as you, so the distance to any Banner notification is about the same.

To give you more time to reach a Notification, you could either change Notification type to Alert rather than Banner, in Prefs > Notifications [needs setting for each Notification type]

enter image description here

or you could change the length of time Banners stay on screen - using Terminal.

defaults write bannerTime [time in seconds]
eg defaults write bannerTime 5 [which is what I think the default is]

You can return to clean defaults at any time by using
defaults delete bannerTime

Each change requires that you relog.

Source: OS X Daily - Change How Long Notification Banners Persist for in OS X