New posts in 64-bit

Windows 7 Notification Icons Problems

Card reader driver not installing correctly, but same driver used to work

Unable to update BitDefender 2010

Ubuntu 32 or 64 bit [duplicate]

What's a good, lightweight DWG viewer for Windows? [closed]

Windows 7 Pro Computer won't wake on LAN via Magic Packet from outside network

Porting 32 bit C++ code to 64 bit - is it worth it? Why?

What's a good rule-of-thumb for choosing between Windows 32 bit and 64 bit?

Windows hangs on Rename, Delete and Move for specific MKV files

What does "Power Calibration Area Error" mean when I'm trying to write a DVD

Determining the CPU architecture of a static library (LIB) on Windows

Check if Kubuntu is running on 64bit or 32bit machine

Fresh install of 64bit Ubuntu needs flash but adobe doesn't have a version for me

Multiple Problems while installing VMware Player with Kernel Headers

Ubuntu One doesn't start after login

Wireless adapter won't enable

Run an application only compatible with 32-bit on 64-bit machine

Windows 7 professional 32-bit on a i5 machine, good or bad? [duplicate]

How can one reinstall sound drivers?

Processor, OS : 32bit, 64 bit