New posts in vmware-player

VMWare OVA file

How to extend the primary partition for Ubuntu Server running in VMWare Player

Multiple Problems while installing VMware Player with Kernel Headers

How to prevent virtual machines's copy

Convert VMware VM to Virtual PC in Windows 7

Relative performance of VMWare Player, Workstation, Server and ESX?

after installing ubuntu 12.10 the desktop does not display correctly

How can I move the Vmware virtual Hard Drive files?

Is there a free virtual player for commercial use?

No 3d support is available from the host, on all VMware guests

Xubuntu VMware Player missing vmrun utility

VMplayer closes on start of vm

Good Free Ubuntu Server VMWare Image Needed

Number of cores available to VMware Player limited to physical cores or hyperthreaded cores?

VMWare Player 7.1.0 on Ubuntu 15.04 (kernel: 3.19.0-10-generic) app loading

How to share Internet connection of VMWare guest with host in VMWare Player?

Why does VMWare Player always appear "always on top" of other windows?

Convert VMDK to ISO

Using a .vmdk file in VMware player 5.0.1

GTK error in VMware Player for 12.04 LTS