Number of cores available to VMware Player limited to physical cores or hyperthreaded cores?

Solution 1:

In response to your second question:

So if I say, here Mr.VM take 1 core, will it take 1 of the 4 'cores' or 1 of 2 the physical cores?

There is an option when you create the VM and also after you have created it, in the settings panel under Processors in which you specify whether you want to use both processors, or the cores per processor.

Edit by Asker:

This proves that it does indeed take from a pool of the total cores available that includes hyper threaded cores because when I selected 8-cores it gave a warning, but when I selected 4-cores it did not.

The answer: Hyper threaded cores are included in the available cores to be given to the VM.

enter image description here

In my case, I don't have the ability to use that many cores or processors, but with your CPU, you should be able to do so.