Ubuntu One doesn't start after login

On my Desktop (ubuntu 10.10 64 Bit) Ubuntu One doesn't start after login. I have to start the UbuntuOne Preferences, than I have to wait a while until the connect butten is enabled and than I can connect. How can I start it after login?

Solution 1:

The Ubuntu One launcher delays 30 seconds after session startup before starting the syncdaemon. The syncdaemon can then take a few minutes before it's alive and well and answering requests. So, if you wait 30 seconds after startup, you should be able to open a terminal and see the process with ps -C ubuntuone-syncdaemon.

If you find that it isn't starting, in that same terminal, please do

/usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug

and pastebin the output so we can get to the root of the issue.

Solution 2:

Make sure it is enabled in System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications

Startup Applications

Solution 3:

Ok, I made some tests. Directly after the login I called the "ps" command. ubuntuone-syncd is running. I try it again a few minutes later, but syncd has stopped.

Than I run syncd with --debug and here is the Logfile (4,3MB)
