How to disable automaximize in 16.04?

The automaximize option makes use of the windows almost impossible. every time i want to move window out of the way it will automaximize, when I touch the title bar, while maximized, in order to move it away, it will un-maximize it and place it in the original position and so on... making it impossible to move it out of the way.

  1. Open Unity Tweak tool.

  2. Go to Window Manager section

  3. Click on Window Snapping

  4. Under Behaviour, There is screen. On the top of it, There is a pop-up selection menu.

  5. Select Do Nothing from that menu.

  6. You can repeat selecting Do Nothing for other sides if you want.

If you don't have Unity Tweak Tool installed, install it with

sudo apt install unity-tweak-tool

command in a terminal

Here is a screenshot of that settings window

tweak settings