Do I say "Chris's being annoying" or do contractions not work in this scenario? [closed]

Solution 1:

( Chris's) —Your example of a contraction between the noun, "Chris", and the verb, "is" ( Chris's) would seem to me to be a correct usage, because even famous authors have written things like: "Joe's gonna be at the party tomorrow. He rsvp'd by phone this morning." [ "Joe is" becomes "Joe's"]. This is certainly a common usage. I also think it works exactly this way EVEN FOR NOUNS ENDING IN "S". But when you're turning a noun into its possessive form, words ending with "s" have a special rule: they take on an apostrophe, but they leave-off the added "s" : "Chris' car is in the shop." (pronounced as if the second "s" were there, but you don't write it in.)