Word for a type of question that's founded on a misunderstanding of a concept? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Loaded Question

A loaded question or complex question fallacy is a question which contains a controversial or unjustified assumption (e.g., a presumption of guilt)

The classic is, "when did you stop beating your wife?"

For what it's worth, the word loaded by itself is gaining a broader meaning which can also include less explicit assumptions, and instead mean there is bias included in the question. Bias which one has to be careful not to tacitly accept in the answer.

loaded -

(of statements or questions) charged with associative significance and often meant to mislead or influence

Solution 2:

"Plurium interrogationum"

  • the rhetorical trick of asking a question that cannot be answered without admitting a presupposition that may be false, as "have you stopped beating your wife?"

  • from Wikipedia plurium interrogationum (Latin, "of many questions") is a question that has a presupposition that is complex. The presupposition is a proposition that is presumed to be acceptable to the respondent when the question is asked. The respondent becomes committed to this proposition when he gives any direct answer. The presupposition is called "complex" because it is a conjunctive proposition, a disjunctive proposition, or a conditional proposition. It could also be another type of proposition that contains some logical connective in a way that makes it have several parts that are component propositions.[1]

A "double-barreled question" expresses, perhaps even better, what you are asking. When you include "gay" and "Christian" in the same question, you are touching on more than one issue.

  • It is committed when someone asks a question that touches upon more than one issue, yet allows only for one answer. This fallacy can be also confused with petitio principii, begging the question,which offers a premise no more plausible than, and often just a restatement of, the conclusion.