Point[s] of datum vs. point[s] of data

I know that there's no any shortage of controversy about "data" and "datum", but I've recently questioned the validity in the specific case of "I am but a point of data". Is this, under the strict definition of datum and data, grammatically correct, or is "I am but a point of datum" technically better?

I'm torn, because while the former sounds more correct from sheer popularity, in the seemingly analogous case "I am but a piece of pie", "pie" remains singular.

Additionally, if these cases are indeed analogous, shouldn't "We are but points of data" be corrected to "We are but points of datum"? Returning to the analogy: while "We are but pieces of pies" is grammatically valid, it implies something different than: "We are but pieces of pie" which feels closer to the singular.

Solution 1:

In the phrase "I am but a piece of pie", pie is being treated as a mass noun, as if it is the name of an uncountable substance - in the same way as "...a pile of sand" or "...a bucket of water".

If you were using a countable noun, however, the analogous phrase uses the plural form of the noun: "I am but a pile of peas" or "...a basketful of kittens".

As you alluded to in your question, "data" is strictly the plural form of "datum", but is also often used as a mass noun in its form "data".

If it's a mass noun, then by analogy with the "pie" example, you would use "data".

And if it's treated as lots of individual items, each of which is a "datum", then as with "peas" or "kittens" we use the plural: "data".

In fact, in your case of "a point of data", the word is clearly being used as a mass noun, because "a point of data" is effectively the same thing as "a datum".

Note also that if we have enough pie we may switch to using it as a plural: "I am but a tower of pies" or "Who ate all the pies?"

TL;DR: "data" is a mass noun in this case so you should use "data" rather than "datum".