Solution 1:

What does lapidarical mean?

A search of the OED for words beginning "lapidar..." gives

  1. † lapidar, adj. First recorded ?1764 ...Of the nature of stone....

  2. lapidarian, adj. First recorded 1683 ...Executed in, or inscribed on, stone....

  3. † lapidarious, adj. First recorded 1656 ...Consisting of stones: stony....

  4. lapidarist, n. First recorded 1607 ...= lapidary1a2b; also figurative....

  5. lapidary, adj. and n. First recorded a1382 ...Of an inscription, etc.: Engraved on stone, esp. monumental stones.Of style, etc.: Characteristic of or suitable for monumental inscriptions....

Given the length of time that words beginning "lapidar..." have been in the language, and given the absence from the OED of "lapidarical", I would say that it is not a recognised word.