What is another word or phrase for someone who is unconsciously inconsiderate? [closed]

I have a roommate who doesn't consider how his actions affect others, although it is not malicious. Whenever something is brought up he is apologetic and tries to change his ways. I'm wondering if there is a succinct word or phrase that describes this behavior?

The word I would use here is oblivious. Your roommate is oblivious to the effect of his actions on others.

I believe the word inconsiderate has the unconscious nature of it hardwired. You can't consciously choose to be inconsiderate, because you're considering it at that point... if you're looking for something that's a little less pejorative, then maybe "absent minded"? "Solipsistic"? ...Honestly, inconsiderate is the word you want. It doesn't have to be a put down. It's just stating the fact that he didn't consider. Never crossed his mind. Now whatever reason you give or theorize for why it wouldn't have crossed his mind might be negative, but the word itself I don't believe is, in this context.

Inconsiderate or Thoughtless

'Inconsiderate' is exactly the right word for unconscious behaviour like this.
Most people aren't actively trying to be self-centred.

People don't generally weigh up the consequences of their actions.
In my experience, an average person will stop in the middle of a crowded street to answer their phone, inconveniencing everyone who was walking behind them.
Not because they don't care about people behind them, but because they didn't think about it.

It's a kind of social clumsiness. They don't do it intentionally.
They simply don't think about or or consider it.

Thoughtless or Inconsiderate accurately describes this behaviour.

Acutely self-absorbed. (with an irritating penchant for half-hearted displays of contrition)