Is there a word for the opposite of an intended effect? [duplicate]

Is there a word in English connected to a process resulting in not just an unexpected outcome, but the direct opposite of its intended effect? Like feeling more tired after waking up? Or feeling dirtier after washing your hands (because the bathroom isn't clean)?

Example Sentence:

"I got 8 hours of sleep but I'm more tired than when I went to sleep. That's so _____."

Solution 1:

Ironically, I think the word ironically could be used here literally.

"I got 8 hours of sleep but I'm more tired than when I went to sleep. That's so ironic."

I prefer a different sentence though.

Ironically, I woke up less rested than when I went to sleep.

Solution 2:

Based on the example sentence, a suitable word is counterintuitive.

"I got 8 hours of sleep but I'm more tired than when I went to sleep. That's so counterintuitive."


counterintuitive ADJECTIVE

Contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true)

‘The trick is again counter-intuitive: instead of accelerating rapidly when traffic gets going, travel more slowly.’

Solution 3:

adjective ​ having an effect that is opposite to the one intended or wanted:
Improved safety measures in cars can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster.