Obscured, obfuscated, what is the best word to use to ensure all sensitive info has been removed [closed]

The correct word is redacted.

From dictionary.com:

Redact - to hide or remove (confidential parts of a text) before publication or distribution, or to examine (a text) for this purpose:

My example (edited): "Here is the document. We have censored classified information, replacing it with black boxes. The redacted information is only available to certain individuals."

If you want a more casual word, try scrubbed.

As in: The sensitive data was scrubbed from the page.

This works especially well when referring to electronic files or databases.

While redact (as already answered) seems to be the best fit, I have also seen censor used in this sense.


censor VERB


Examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.

‘the report had been censored ‘in the national interest’’

‘The Pentagon has censored sections of the book, mainly blacking out individuals' names.’

A word that could be used for the resulting document, rather than the sensitive data that's been removed, is sanitised/sanitized

The problem with the document containing the sensitive data was that it could lead to bad things happening if it got into the wrong hands. Sanitising the document removes the things from it that might cause problems.



make clean and hygienic.
"new chemicals for sanitizing a pool"
synonyms: sterilize, disinfect, clean, cleanse, cauterize, purify, fumigate, pasteurize, decontaminate;

make (something) more palatable by removing elements that are likely to be unacceptable or controversial.
"a sanitized version of his career"
synonyms: make presentable, make acceptable, make palatable, clean up;