What is the opposite of "abstain"?

We were thinking originally in terms of voting, but of course "abstain" has a more general meaning, of which the antonym is probably "indulge".

But is there an opposite that would be more appropriate when the usage of abstain is related to abstaining from voting in an election?

Solution 1:

In an election, the opposite of abstaining is voting, because "abstaining" in that context means "to refrain from casting one's vote". The opposite of "not voting" is "voting".

Solution 2:

I would say the opposite is partake.

We all partook in the voting.

Solution 3:

How about "participate"? Or perhaps "turned out" (to vote). Depends on the sentence, really.

Solution 4:

I voted up drm65's answer of contextual solution, to simply say vote.

However if you are looking for a term you might consider

  • participate in voting | abstain from voting
  • vote | abstain from voting
  • exercise (or consume) your voting rights | abstain from voting
  • cast a vote | abstain from voting