Is Btrfs in 10.10 considered stable?

Solution 1:

I've done a bit of googling about this since asking the question and found:

  • there is currently no fsck for btrfs (as of linux kernel 2.6.36, while maverick has 2.6.35), so "it's rather easy to kill a btrfs by just losing power".
  • the btrfs launchpad blueprint has the comment " I deferred this for completion in Natty, as we won't be able to complete all the remaining work for Maverick".
  • there is an open bug about dpkg upgrades and installs being very slow on btrfs.

So all these would suggest btrfs should not be used on a production system, or any other system where you care about the data.

Solution 2:

It is not considered stable.

People are usually conservative when it comes to new filesystems. You don't want to lose data, right?

If your data under /home is not important to you, brtfs is a good fs choice right now.

Solution 3:

Main point against btrfs being called stable anywhere: The on-disk format is not fixed yet and could be changed anytime, which would require the user to reformat his or her disks.

Solution 4:

main problem is that a kernel oops or power loss can corrupt the partition, and btrfsck is not currently able to repair filesystems, although it can recognise faults.