Macbook Pro (Early 2015) bluetooth issues after waking from sleep

Same model, similar issues - though I wasn't getting kernel crashing, but occasionally get non-responsive bluetooth after wake from sleep. An alternative workaround to restarting is to force quit the blued process. This can be done either through Activity Monitor or on commandline killall blued.

I finally figured out the solution. Some bluetooth modules in the 2015 Macs have actual hardware problems. To confirm this, I ordered a replacement 2015 bluetooth module for my MBP 2015 from iFixit. My Mac kept crashing upon waking up from sleep delivering the same kernel panic message the OP had regardless of whether i put in the original 22015 BT module - or the replacement 2015 BT module from iFixit.

My friend gave me her bluetooth module from her 2013 MBP which looks physically different but still fits just fine in the 2015 MBP. I plugged it in and haven't had a single BT issue for nearly a week. Hope this helps. A 2013 MBP BT module is about $70 on eBay or iFixit.

This problem was extremely annoying and it seems multiple 2015 MBPs have it. I bought this 2015 model from my school in 2018 brand new(Apple shipped it to my school) - and it had the problem from day one. Shame on Apple for selling broken hardware 3 years after the fact.

I reset the SMC once more and changed the Wi-Fi to 802.11n on 5Ghz, after reading that it could cause interference. This seems to have fixed the problems so far.