Closing 128 new Preview documents without saving

I opened 128 .png files in Preview, hoping to use it to create a PDF out of them, as I believe was possible in earlier versions using the New from clipboard trick, but apparently, on Yosemite, not any more.

Now I want to close the newly created documents, but it'll require me to click Don't Save 128 times.

Is there any way around this?

Solution 1:

I'd Force-Quit it using the Apple Menu dialog, and then clear the saved state files from the storage so that Preview doesn't try to reopen those documents next time it starts.

From Finder:

  • Cmd ⌘ N
  • Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ G
  • Copy/paste ~/Library/Saved Application State

Delete the folder and you're set for the next start of Preview to be clean.

Solution 2:

As of Yosemite, at least, there's a much easier way. Just choose Quit from the File menu.

Preview will ask you if you want to review changes. If you say no, you're done!